Yeahh..hati berbunga-bunga..Si Dia akan balik...Almost 6 months tak jumpa dia..Duk pikir..macam mana la rupa dia sekarang..Padahal almost everyday jumpa dia kat Skype..Tragik2..Long distance relationship..Memang banyak cabaran..Tak sabarnya nak tunggu esok...
Inikah namanya cinta..lalallalalallaa
Terjatuh Ke Landasan LRT Titiwangsa, Lelaki Cacat Penglihatan Maut
Dilanggar Tren
Melalui laporan berita, seorang lelaki cacat penglihatan terjatuh ke
landasan keretapi, lalu dilanggar oleh sebuah tren di LRT Titiwangsa pada
Sabtu pagi...
9 hours ago
bergembiralah di atas kekecewaan org len..kte kne slalu ingt,x slalu kte di atas..if hari ini,kte ambil hak org, x mustahil 1 hr nnti org akan amik hak kte..fikir2kn..:)
To anonymous:kenapa mesti ada statement 'bergembiralah di atas kekecewaan org len'? Ada sesape yg mengambil hak awak ke? Bagi saya, tak salah kita nak happy dengan BF kita sendiri coz itu BF kita. Lainlah kalau CINTAnya tak berbalas and that's why awak boleh buat statement kasi gegar yg mcm tu. Cheers!
p/s:kumbang bukan seekor ye anonymous.
To arween: Buang dlm tong sampah je komen cam ni muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
from (Anne)
mmg la u xrasa amek hak org len..sbb u xtawu kbnrannya atau pura2 buat xtawu..xpe..Allah itu maha adil..satu hari nnti u akan tawu pe dia kbnran and hopefully bf u 2 xkan mainkan u spti mana dia mainkan org lain..jaga la bf u 2 baik2..make sure smp kawen klu x wat malu jer..
To anonymous.. I dah kawen pun, and infact that before kawen I dah 6 years kenal dia including his family. So as a person, or should I say as a human being, let me tell u one thing for sure. When u love someone means that letting it go. Not to hold it until u have a feeling 'not to let it go'. Care what I said? Just be REALISTIC and matured enough in thinking. There's a reason behind why your bf couldn't stick along with u anymore. Yes, we need to GIVE THEM SOME SPACE FOR THEMSELVES. Not to CONTROL and not to CHASE THEM WHEREVER THEY DO OR GO. That is what I experienced before.
Anne : aku dah takde apa2 dah dgn mamat tu..Biarkan je la
Anymous: Kindly stop it..Saya tak kenal sapa kamu..You dont have the right to judge..Semua dah history..So..leave me alone
frm middle-person : to anymous.babe...yg nk gado sbb laki pesal....relaks n chill la babe...let it go...maybe both of u not meant to be together...semuanya dh tertulis..sape yg patut dgn sape..xyah komen2 ms depan yg lebih cerah yg di depan okess...:0)
to arween : u babe...sorry to hear move on..i knw u can handle it...guys r stll guys...wht is important is ...mesti sayang diri seniri dulu sblm nk syg org yg bernama "Lelaki" ni...i thnk, he doesnt deserve u babe...MOVE sure u got good life..more adventrous n interestin ahead w/out him.U R sTrong gal n amazing gal that u nvr realized that..yet..:) Go Go Go!
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