Tic Tac Love
I had a little game today,
the words danced in my head,
instead of using letters two
I used three words instead:
I and Love and You.
Whichever way I put them
they all came out the same.
And so you see that
Love has won,
but so have You,
and so have I
because you have
won my heart.
Berkejar Ke Mahkamah Selepas Tiba Dari Jepun, Shuib Bersedia Beri Kerjasama
Kes Gagal Bayar Cukai RM1.6 Juta
Pelawak, Shuib bersedia memberi kerjasama sepenuhnya sepanjang perbicaraan
bagi enam pertuduhan kerana gagal membayar cukai perkhidmatan termasuk
6 hours ago
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